11 – 25 novembre – Concert – Trio Westbrook dans le cadre de l’exposition « Tables d’artistes »

Trio Westbrook

dans le cadre de l’exposition « Tables d’artistes »

25 novembre 2012

‘three into wonderfull’ digitally re-mastered by Jon Hiseman, presents a cross section of the Westbrook Trio’s recordings over three decades. The selection includes original songs by Kate and Mike Westbrook, settings of European poetry, and jazz standards. There are highlights from two early albums, A Little Westbrook Music and Love For Sale, tracks previously unavailable on CD. There are tracks from the more recent Good Friday 1663 and from L’Ascenseur/The Lift, as well as new recording. At the heart of the album is previously un–released material from the mid 90’s, which includes some of the Trio’s finest performances on record, notably a remarkable 16 minute version of their classic Traurig aber falsch (Sad but untrue).

> Lien vers la fiche du Westbrook Trio (en anglais)